Old Habits Don’t Go Away Easily

I just threw away 2 batches of cooked Steel Cut Oats which I had had in the freezer for about 2 years. A few years ago, I used to eat Oats often, especially in 2016 when I was working out like a beast with Caribbean champion body builder, Grenada’s Damion Daniel. See evidence below!

We used to work out in the mornings and sometimes he would ask “what you had for breakfast?” If I said “oats,” he’d say “good.” I used to believe that too. More on that later.

In the last 2 years, I have been consciously eating a more low carb diet. Contrary to some people’s opinions, oats is not low carb. But I couldn’t throw it away. Why? Because in the Caribbean, we grew up with the lessons that you shouldn’t throw away food because “you know how many starving children there are in [name of Third World country]?’

This morning, I had a fruit smoothie and put a little of the oats in it, then felt very blah…..that kind of dull feeling when I eat carbs these days. I decided enough was enough, and in the bin it went tonight.

Now back to the type of breakfast I would have before a workout, whether with the Trainer or doing a gym class or working out on my own. For years, I read that you had to fuel your workout with carbs, so that you could have enough energy. So I dutifully ate oats or some other carb filled breakfast.

A typical breakfast from 2016. Steel Cut Oats with coconut milk and protein powder.

But if you really think about it, if I am overweight, shouldn’t the goal be to burn the fat I have so much of? And when I look back now, I used to feel heavy. Sure, the oats used to make me be able to exercise for long. Nowadays, I work out after having some tea with lemongrass, lemon and dandelion, so essentially, I work out on an empty stomach. Many years ago, you could have never got me to do that. Well, that’s one habit that went away easily.

If I were working out with Damion now, I’d choose something like coffee with heavy cream and cocoa, with a sardine or some other protein…just a small piece….and I am sure I’d last just as long.

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