New Habit: Wake up earlier – Day 2

I am not going to go the self-betrayal route because I woke at 7:45 this morning, 45 minutes after the goal time.

Last night’s achievement was that I made it into bed by midnight, when it was shaping up to be later. I had shut my computer at 8:30 ish, then washed the dishes to continue the new routine of not waiting until just before bed to do it.

My ankle was sore so soaked it in warm water with Epsom salts, then applied ice while watching The Voice then When Calls The Hart. Before bed, I again put the yamfeet (or is it ‘yamfoot dem’?) back in warm water.

Did journal entry during the second warm soak. That’s efficient init? So, pleased as punch, I climbed into bed. I had downloaded the Stingray Music app on the phone last year, so put on Spa music and set the timer for it to go off after 12 minutes.

Well, I was wide awake after it went off. And then I made the mistake of picking up the phone and descended down the social media hole. Not gonna make that mistake tonight. ☹️

First stop, JadaNoreen’s blog post about picking battles. Hmmmmm…….maybe this waking up early habit is a battle I shouldn’t have picked?

I found myself scrolling through Instagram next, and before you know it, it was close to 2 a.m. !!! Yes, you read correctly. By the way, bucked up on the 473 Boutique Resort new resort’s page. Looks lovely, doesn’t it. NB I don’t think Mark Solomon was online at that time.

By now, I was super tired, so falling asleep was a breeze. I had again set the music timer, this time for 15 minutes, and I didn’t hear it go off. Hmmmmm… I need to be dawg tired to fall asleep?

It would have been great if I had been allowed to sleep for a full 6 hours. But no. ‘Knock knock knock’ went my bladder at about 6 a.m. Cho! Now this time I had to set the alarm, which I did for 7:45 a.m. I am going to try and drink water earlier in the day and see if that helps.

Got up, after having sent a work email while in bed, then headed to the laptop and did a little more work before doing this post. I did not head to the couch and I did not feel yawny. So although I didn’t achieve the 7 a.m. wake up goal, at least I already feel more productive. It’s a lil after 10 a.m. here. Time to fix breakfast and eat it while watching Wendy Williams.

How you doing???

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