New Habit: Wake up earlier – Day 2

I am not going to go the self-betrayal route because I woke at 7:45 this morning, 45 minutes after the goal time.

Last night’s achievement was that I made it into bed by midnight, when it was shaping up to be later. I had shut my computer at 8:30 ish, then washed the dishes to continue the new routine of not waiting until just before bed to do it.

My ankle was sore so soaked it in warm water with Epsom salts, then applied ice while watching The Voice then When Calls The Hart. Before bed, I again put the yamfeet (or is it ‘yamfoot dem’?) back in warm water.

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New Habit: Wake up earlier – Day 1

Last week, I decided to challenge myself to start waking up earlier from today. I am eventually aiming to be up by 6 a.m., but will be easing into it. The aim this morning was to be up and out of bed by 7 a.m.

Bedtime routine

Beginning with the end in mind, i.e. the desired wake up time, I had to get into bed earlier. The habit has been to work late, then realise I have to do things to prepare for bed e.g. wash the dishes, pack away things etc. Sunday I decided I wasn’t doing any work. After dinner at about 6 p.m., I washed the dishes. Puttered around a bit (that’s language to mean “I don’t remember what I did!”). Then I settled on the couch to watch “When Calls The Heart” on Netflix. I was disciplined and only watched 3 episodes, shutting down my device at 10:24 p.m.

Normally, once I get into bed, I’d read my social media accounts. Sometimes 1.5 hours would pass! That is now a no-no. What to replace that with? Making a journal entry. So that’s what I did.

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