Gym episode 13/03: I want to make magic

The heat was being turned up. We were coming into the final stretch of the 40 day weight loss challenge. One week from today, to be exact. Normally my Sunday workouts consist of calming yoga and tai chi. But when the Trainer is available for a rare Sunday session, you ditch those, but in favour of what? Continue reading

Gym episode 08/03: The opposite of the drop set is the pyramid! Eegad!

It was with glee that I packed my gym bag Monday after getting the go ahead from my physiotherapist, Garvin Taylor from Grenada Physiotherapy and Pain Relief Centre.

Four p.m. was the gym time as my trainer Damion Daniel had to train at 5. Did my 10 minute warm up on the bicycle.


My thigh was still a bit sore and I also had to pay attention to my back. But I managed to finish.

I can’t recall the first part of the session. Must have been upper body. The sprints outside consisted of one called “suicide” where you ran to a near marker, then back to the start then to a farther marker and back to the start etc. etc. It was for a very short time but I was breathless when I was done!

To finish up was pyramid exercises on the lrg extension and leg curl machines. I didn’t think too much of what a pyramid looks like and how that is related to gym exercises. I soon found out.
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My 4 day lay off

I looked on with envy last Friday as Bambi took my colleagues through a Zumba class. :|😭😭 But it served me right…..don’t?

On Saturday, I enjoyed being able to sleep in a little bit later, since I didn’t have to rush to the 9 a.m. Pilates class. When I finally got out of the house, I headed straight to a fundraising fair which was featuring food from various countries……with an empty stomach. Why? Continue reading

Gym episode 03/03: Grounded!

Isn’t that what happens when you misbehave? You’re grounded? Pleasure activities are taken away from you? Here’s the story of Thursday and how it turned out.

Yet another late night Wednesday, this time because I had work deadlines to meet. In this job, the concept of ‘homework’ is real. So I went to bed upset….and got up in the same mood. In my mind, I steupsed all the way on the drive to the gym. But sometimes along the way, positive thoughts crept in. ‘Miss Foot, what you complaining for? You have a job. You can get around with ease. You have a great Trainer. You know how many people got up this morning, wondering how they’re going to make it?” Ok mind. Be quiet!

Aye. Arrived late, so did 5 mins warm up. Upper body work today with some new exercises. Yay! I like that Damion mixes things up. Mi get bored very easily. 😐

In between the weights, he took me into the exercise room. The task? Run up and down the length of the room 5 times while he timed me. The first time was 45 seconds. The second was 43. After both times I was out of breath! Happily too. Heart working. Fat loss happening. And most importantly, I did not crash into the mirrors!

Completed the weight training then quite unusually, we had a long chat. His discipline is incredibly inspiring. Between now and his first show next month, I will be able to witness first hand, how he trains and how he eats. We spent a lot of time talking about the latter. I was again urged to read labels and had to send this to him for vetting. It passed the test.


Thursday afternoon is where things took a turn for the worse. Continue reading

A Wild Ride Of A Dream!

I dream. A lot. And in colour. Sometimes it reflects real life situations which are current. Other times they are weird and wild, like this one from 2011. When I wake up, I don’t always remember that I dreamed until later in the day something happens and I say “oh yeah…..listen to what mi dream last night”

An article I read recently talked about being aware while you’re dreaming, or not. Last night I was very conscious that I was dreaming, and wishful that I wasn’t. Here’s what happened.

I was in a hotel. I was not a guest, but am not sure if I was an employee or just a Consultant on a short term gig. The dream started with me and the Hotel Manager walking across the poolside, with the air very expectant of exciting things to come later. The pool was quite large. While walking we saw a plane flying overhead, dangerously low. In my mind I thought “it’s almost like it wants to crash.” Well, a few seconds later, that is indeed what happened. Splash! Down in the pool it came, then turned belly up. There was no fire thank goodness.  Continue reading

Ten Commandments Of Physiotherapy

As a physiotherapy patient on and off for the last seven years, I found this article interesting.

For #1, I am gradually shifting to this way of thinking since a different method was tried on an injury and it yielded success.

Number # 4 I am totally in agreement with. Fortunately, I have had a good connection with most of my therapists (England, Grenada, Jamaica).