New Habit: Wake up earlier – Day 2

I am not going to go the self-betrayal route because I woke at 7:45 this morning, 45 minutes after the goal time.

Last night’s achievement was that I made it into bed by midnight, when it was shaping up to be later. I had shut my computer at 8:30 ish, then washed the dishes to continue the new routine of not waiting until just before bed to do it.

My ankle was sore so soaked it in warm water with Epsom salts, then applied ice while watching The Voice then When Calls The Hart. Before bed, I again put the yamfeet (or is it ‘yamfoot dem’?) back in warm water.

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The Middle Passenger

My seat choice is always the same. Aisle seat near the front of the plane. That allows me to stretch out my legs, [albeit in the aisle and risk it being tripped over] and also to get to the loo without inconveniencing others. But I waited too late to check in online and the only aisle seats were way in the back of the plane. That wouldn’t do. So I took a chance on a middle seat in my usual location. What would my neighbours be like, I wondered. Continue reading

Mind Over Bladder

The Bladder……all of us have one as part of the Urinary Tract system. Hands up if like me, sometimes you curse it for being super efficient at the wrong times!


Inside view of our organs

Inside our bodies, it secretly plots to put you on the verge of an embarrassing moment, not realizing that unlike newborns, we don’t drive around with a diaper bag and a change of clothing.

I’ve always been a frequent goer. After surgery, the frequency remained but the volume increased. I can P.O.D. even if I just did it, so I have no fear if I have to do a urine test at the doctor.

On the days when I have to go out, which has been more often last week and this week, I have to calculate how far I have to drive and determine where the possible pit stops are. A few days ago however, I decided I would see if I could use my mind to control my bladder (without getting cystitis!).  Continue reading