
Can’t recall how I came across this eating concept. Perhaps it was the “The 8 hour diet” by David Zinczenko, or maybe while surfing.

The first time I tried it a few years ago, I had a headache for the first day. I was a “eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking” kinda person, from ever since. Back then, I had to have coffee at least, and not black, in order to last out the fasting period after waking. Nowadays, I just have warm water and some green tea without sugar, and I am good until it is time to eat. It is a quick way to get a flat (ish) stomach.

Here is an infographic detailing the benefits and also the schedule one might follow. Give it a try. Intermittent Fasting has been in the news lately. It’s called IF for short.

Sleep trumps conscience

I don’t like to kill lizards, unless it is a croaking lizard or ‘wood slave’ as some folks call it. Tonight a non-croaker found its way into my kitchen when I left the front door open. There it was, perched on the wall high above the boxes on my kitchen cabinets.


Normally lizards who find themselves inside a house are in an easily accessible place. I’d usually use the broom and coax it. That wouldn’t work in this case. My siblings suggested I leave it and go to bed. I decided not to, as my windows have screens so he would not have been able to get out.

One by one, I removed the boxes. On the second to last one, the lizard came down. When the box fell on the floor, he scurried away outside….or so I thought.

After getting ready for bed, I entered the bedroom to find said lizard high on my wall!


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